Wednesday, February 16, 2011

Well, i got my Gift cards today from Quibids!!  kinda cool...  bad thing is i can only win 8 things a month, im trying to start out with the small stuff and work my way up. so far so good...  you can check out what  the proof i added to my Facebook here

other than that not much excitement...  looking to get back wrestling, that will be good.  should have some posts on that here soon..

Tuesday, February 8, 2011

Coming soon to northern Michigan!!

Welcome to my first blog post.... I have a lot to say and felt why not go back to the old Blog format. Facebook doesn't really use this like Myspace did, so i hope to start doing again.

Send me any topics you want to cover and I will try and cover it the best i know.

Thanks for stopping by and support your local independent pro wrestling company